Danny Houseright, A.A.S., Paramedic
Director, Morristown Hamblen EMS
As a director of an EMS system we get caught up in administrative duties and it is easy forget what our crews are doing every day. It was very rewarding for me when I went and had the patient release forms signed. To actually meet the people my crews responded to on their worst day of their life and to see the gratitude was spiritually uplifting. I want to thank you and your organization for taking the time to recognize the everyday EMS professional. EMS does make a difference in people’s lives every day maybe not as dramatic as working a cardiac arrest but knowing that you can dial 3 numbers and have an “army” of complete strangers come rushing to your aid is comforting. I do not envy the task of the awards committee because this happens every day across the country and they all are deserving.
Marisa Moyers, RN (T.C. Thompson Children’s Hospital):
Our hospital recently went to one of our regional facilities and conducted a mock code. For those of you who may not know what this is, we actually take a “mom” with a pediatric patient mannequin and go into an ED where the “mom” states that something is wrong with the child. When they see the child/infant mannequin, we tell the health care providers in the ED that this is a mock code and they need to proceed as if this patient has an actual emergency. Our CRPC takes at least one nurse and one physician, and we also ask the person acting as the mom to observe for family-centered care issues.
The mock code went very well at this particular facility and, at the end; we discussed the actions that had occurred during the “code.” We provided feedback and learning points to the nursing and medical staff present. They said they were so glad it was over but they felt that they had learned from the exercise.
I received a call the next day from the emergency department director at the facility where we had the mock drill. She stated that within one hour of our departure they had a pediatric patient come into the emergency room in respiratory arrest. She said the staff attended to the patient immediately and worked so well together as a team. She wanted to tell me that after they had stabilized and transferred the patient they were all discussing the value of the mock code, and that it prepared them for the real thing later on. She said the staff verbalized that even though going through the mock code was stressful it really made a difference in the way they were able to care for the child. The staff also said they would like to have practice drills on their own at least once every month so that they would always be prepared.
I immediately called all of the staff that had been involved in the drill the day before to let them know what a difference we had made in the life of a child. We recognize that pediatric education provided to our regional facilities through each CRPC has a direct impact on children in the state of Tennessee. We are proud to partner with them in this endeavor. When we receive calls from our regional facilities like the one above it makes our day.

Lee Blair RN, CEN, EMT-P (Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt)
Travelling to area EMS and hospitals to provide education on the scariest patients – kids – is exciting to say the least; but when we receive a call the next day telling us how grateful they are for our help in making them more comfortable managing pediatrics, that is truly exhilarating! Even more gratifying was a call we received after a recent in-service – paramedics reported to us that the skills they had practiced in our class were tested the very next day in the field, and they were able to save a child’s life.
The day after our class, this EMS crew was called to transfer a pediatric patient. The patient was an 18 month old toddler who had presented to the originating emergency department with a recent history of respiratory complications that had become progressively worse over the past 24 hours. Because of his worsening condition, the decision was made to transfer to a higher level of care. Upon examination, these pre-hospital providers quickly determined that the child was in respiratory failure and that his heart rate was decreasing. The Emergency Department and EMS crew aggressively tried to stabilize the child without success and the patient had to be transferred. The EMS crew had a First Responder drive the ambulance so both paramedics could work together to manage this patient in the back. During transport the patient’s heart rate continued to decline to the point where chest compressions needed to be initiated and respirations were assisted with bag-valve mask.
Once the crew arrived at the receiving hospital, the airway was secured with an endotracheal tube and the child’s heart rate increased with ventilation to within normal range. The patient was then transferred by helicopter to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt where he recovered and was discharged a couple days later.
This EMS crew recognized that their pediatric patient was in respiratory failure and appropriately managed him, saving his life. We telephoned to offer praise and congratulations for their success; they thanked us for being there the day before and helping them feel less fearful and more capable of caring effectively for an ailing pediatric patient.

Sherry Love RN, BSN, CEN (Clinical Manager of Trauma Bristol Regional Medical Center Trauma Services)
Our regional CRPC helped bring the Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course to the Tri Cities. We have long desired to have this course in our region. This course prepares nurses to care for all pediatric emergency room patients with both medical and trauma related conditions. Every emergency room nurse should complete this course.
Both the logistics of trying to get personnel to off site classes, as well as associated costs with travel has made it difficult to bring the course to our area. Fortunately through the CRPC’s willingness to come to us we now have the course available in all three trauma centers in our region. Thank you!

Nancy Daniel, ER Nurse Manager
I took an EMSC, PALS and PALS Instructor class years ago (approx. 10 yrs.) with you and your group in Nashville that was great (3-day course). My facility received a fully stocked Broselow chart and teaching aids such as manikins, simulator, intraosseous needles and manikin, intubation head and much more needed equipment. I just wanted you to know we are still using all of the tools you supplied us. Rural hospitals have a hard time obtaining much needed equipment and classes due to size and finances. Thank you again for your support and effort for our hospital.
Director, Morristown Hamblen EMS
As a director of an EMS system we get caught up in administrative duties and it is easy forget what our crews are doing every day. It was very rewarding for me when I went and had the patient release forms signed. To actually meet the people my crews responded to on their worst day of their life and to see the gratitude was spiritually uplifting. I want to thank you and your organization for taking the time to recognize the everyday EMS professional. EMS does make a difference in people’s lives every day maybe not as dramatic as working a cardiac arrest but knowing that you can dial 3 numbers and have an “army” of complete strangers come rushing to your aid is comforting. I do not envy the task of the awards committee because this happens every day across the country and they all are deserving.
Marisa Moyers, RN (T.C. Thompson Children’s Hospital):
Our hospital recently went to one of our regional facilities and conducted a mock code. For those of you who may not know what this is, we actually take a “mom” with a pediatric patient mannequin and go into an ED where the “mom” states that something is wrong with the child. When they see the child/infant mannequin, we tell the health care providers in the ED that this is a mock code and they need to proceed as if this patient has an actual emergency. Our CRPC takes at least one nurse and one physician, and we also ask the person acting as the mom to observe for family-centered care issues.
The mock code went very well at this particular facility and, at the end; we discussed the actions that had occurred during the “code.” We provided feedback and learning points to the nursing and medical staff present. They said they were so glad it was over but they felt that they had learned from the exercise.
I received a call the next day from the emergency department director at the facility where we had the mock drill. She stated that within one hour of our departure they had a pediatric patient come into the emergency room in respiratory arrest. She said the staff attended to the patient immediately and worked so well together as a team. She wanted to tell me that after they had stabilized and transferred the patient they were all discussing the value of the mock code, and that it prepared them for the real thing later on. She said the staff verbalized that even though going through the mock code was stressful it really made a difference in the way they were able to care for the child. The staff also said they would like to have practice drills on their own at least once every month so that they would always be prepared.
I immediately called all of the staff that had been involved in the drill the day before to let them know what a difference we had made in the life of a child. We recognize that pediatric education provided to our regional facilities through each CRPC has a direct impact on children in the state of Tennessee. We are proud to partner with them in this endeavor. When we receive calls from our regional facilities like the one above it makes our day.

Lee Blair RN, CEN, EMT-P (Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt)
Travelling to area EMS and hospitals to provide education on the scariest patients – kids – is exciting to say the least; but when we receive a call the next day telling us how grateful they are for our help in making them more comfortable managing pediatrics, that is truly exhilarating! Even more gratifying was a call we received after a recent in-service – paramedics reported to us that the skills they had practiced in our class were tested the very next day in the field, and they were able to save a child’s life.
The day after our class, this EMS crew was called to transfer a pediatric patient. The patient was an 18 month old toddler who had presented to the originating emergency department with a recent history of respiratory complications that had become progressively worse over the past 24 hours. Because of his worsening condition, the decision was made to transfer to a higher level of care. Upon examination, these pre-hospital providers quickly determined that the child was in respiratory failure and that his heart rate was decreasing. The Emergency Department and EMS crew aggressively tried to stabilize the child without success and the patient had to be transferred. The EMS crew had a First Responder drive the ambulance so both paramedics could work together to manage this patient in the back. During transport the patient’s heart rate continued to decline to the point where chest compressions needed to be initiated and respirations were assisted with bag-valve mask.
Once the crew arrived at the receiving hospital, the airway was secured with an endotracheal tube and the child’s heart rate increased with ventilation to within normal range. The patient was then transferred by helicopter to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt where he recovered and was discharged a couple days later.
This EMS crew recognized that their pediatric patient was in respiratory failure and appropriately managed him, saving his life. We telephoned to offer praise and congratulations for their success; they thanked us for being there the day before and helping them feel less fearful and more capable of caring effectively for an ailing pediatric patient.

Sherry Love RN, BSN, CEN (Clinical Manager of Trauma Bristol Regional Medical Center Trauma Services)
Our regional CRPC helped bring the Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course to the Tri Cities. We have long desired to have this course in our region. This course prepares nurses to care for all pediatric emergency room patients with both medical and trauma related conditions. Every emergency room nurse should complete this course.
Both the logistics of trying to get personnel to off site classes, as well as associated costs with travel has made it difficult to bring the course to our area. Fortunately through the CRPC’s willingness to come to us we now have the course available in all three trauma centers in our region. Thank you!

Nancy Daniel, ER Nurse Manager
I took an EMSC, PALS and PALS Instructor class years ago (approx. 10 yrs.) with you and your group in Nashville that was great (3-day course). My facility received a fully stocked Broselow chart and teaching aids such as manikins, simulator, intraosseous needles and manikin, intubation head and much more needed equipment. I just wanted you to know we are still using all of the tools you supplied us. Rural hospitals have a hard time obtaining much needed equipment and classes due to size and finances. Thank you again for your support and effort for our hospital.