Disaster Preparedness for Schools

Course Description:

This course was developed to augment your school’s disaster preparedness plan. It reviews the four (4) phases of emergency and disaster management and the roles of school and disaster management.

The course will also aid you in identifying pertinent items and supplies needed for a school disaster kit.

*Last updated 2012.



Additional Resources: (click links below)

JumpSTART Pediatric MCI Triage Tool

AHRQ - Pediatric Terrorism and Disaster Preparedness

AAP - Children and Disasters

ATSDR - Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units

CDC - Mass Casualties Predictor

OSHA - Best Practices for Hospital-Based First Receivers

OSHA - Incident Command System eTool

Sign Language for Emergencies

U.S. Department of Education - Emergency Planning

National Center for Disaster Preparedness - School Preparedness

U.S. Dept. of Education: "Preparing Your School for a Crisis"

National Association of School Nurses - Disaster Preparedness Links